..: Clientele
SuRF has a vast array of clients. Some of clients on the long list include Japanese Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), IUCN, UNFPA, UNICEF, Ministry of Health, Government of Pakistan, Academy for Educational Development (AED), Washington, DC, USA, Bonn International Centre for Conversion (BICC), Germany, InWENT, Germany, AusAID, Department of Health, Government of Punjab, ILO, Family Planning Association of Pakistan (FPAP) and GIZ, Norwegian Church Aid, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, to name a few.
Placed below are a few of our successful consulting assignments:
- Concept Note for Organising International Conference on HIV and AIDS Response in Muslim-majority Countries (ICHARM)
- Case Studies of 350 Female Gender Justice Champions in Five Districts of Pakistan
- Fundraising, External Relations Management and Evaluation of ICAAP10
- HIV and AIDS and STIs Awareness Raising among Female Sex Workers in Seoul, Republic of Korea
- Scoping Twinning Possibilities between University of Central Punjab and Mahidol University for MPH
- Development of “Communication for Social Change” Training Manual
- Study on Media Consumption of Residents of Mirpur, Bhimber and Kotli districts of AJK and Evaluation of Social Communication Radio Intervention
- Research, Design and Production of “Bridging the Gap - 20 Success Stories” for Trust for Voluntary Organisations (TVO), Islamabad
- Study on Audience Research and Health-seeking Behaviour among the Earthquake Affected in Mansehra, NWFP and Bagh Districts
- Participatory Programme Evaluation of Trust for Voluntary Organisations (TVO)
- Nation-wide KAP Study on Breastfeeding among Mothers
- Nation-wide Study on HIV/AIDS & STDs Awareness among the Organised Labour Sector and Truck Drivers
- ICPD Compliance Review and Final Evaluation of AusAID/UNFPA funded “Strengthening IEC Capabilities of the Ministry of Population Welfare’
- Strategies for Using Information as a Social Mobilisation, Participation, and Empowerment Tool among Mothers
- Study for the National Program on Family Planning and Primary Health (PMP), UNICEF/UNFPA and NGO
- Needs Assessment (for training and materials), and Preparation of Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) Materials for the Lady Health Workers (LHWs)
- Successful Communication for Environment Conservation Managers
- Study of Networking & Facilitation of Sarhad Provincial Conservation Strategy (SPCS)
- Evaluation of UNFPA/UNICEF/MoH/MdM Joint Primary Health Care Project
- Evaluation of PMP/UNICEF/NGOs Joint Project
- Impact Analysis of ENERCON Energy Conservation Interventions
- Evaluation of WHO’s BDN Program in Pakistan
- Study on Conflict Management & SALW, Pakistan
- Communications Training & Support to Awareness Campaign against Small Arms and Light Weapons
- Research on “Anthropology of Violence” in Pakistan
- Demand/Needs Analysis Study with BICC, on behalf of INWENT, for Training and Capacity Building of Expert and Executive Staff in Conflict Prevention and Peace
- Participation in UN Biennial SALW Meeting at the UN, New York
- Technical Review of SEESAC Awareness NGOs Raising Manual
- Review of BICC Materials against Small Arms and Light Weapons